Reese at 13 Months


At thirteen months old, Reese is showing us something new every day. Her steps are getting steadier, her words are getting clearer (and louder) and we are getting a glimpse of our girl’s personality. We are beginning to see a sassy/mischievous side to Reese that is delighting us and scaring us at the same time.

At 23.5 lbs she is strong and sturdy and has a belly that would make any baby jealous. She has six teeth (4 on the top and 2 on the bottom), is 29 inches long and still has a crazy big head with dark hair that I cannot wait to get into pigtails.

Here’s what she’s been up to the past couple of months.

New tricks:  Walking everywhere, giving kisses to everything (the man on the Quaker oatmeal container is a favorite), making animal noises (we’ve got the cow and the lamb down pat),  pointing at the TV and screaming “Elmo” (not our favorite new trick),  pretend answering the phone (putting her hand immediately to her ear) whenever we hear a phone ring anywhere, telling us “no” while hitting us in the face (also not a favorite), mimicking things we say with the same inflection/tone we use (this one doesn’t happen very often, but is absolutely hilarious when it does), and incessantly asking for whoever is not there (when Daddy goes somewhere she immediately begins asking for him and then takes your hand and leads you around the house to look for him.)

Favorites: All food (although I still can’t get her to eat meat!), but particularly rice and lentils, BANANAS, crackers, sweet potatoes, oatmeal with raisins, Cheerios, grapes, Elmo, babies, books, and her talking teapot

Words: baby (with a French accent), mama, dada, nana, no,  “cruck-a” (cracker), bath, and “myyyyyyyy” (Miles.)





On Your First Birthday

Today is your first birthday.

Can’t believe it has been a year since we first met you. The nine months we waited for you felt like forever and now your first year has gone by in what seems like an instant. It’s all a little fast for me. You have changed our thoughts on just about everything and these days the only “good times” we talk about are those that include you.

Thank you little one, for showing us a different kind of happy and a new kind of love.

Happy birthday sweet girl!

First Snow

A few weeks ago we had our first snow.

After I got home from work we skipped bath time, bundled Reese up in multiple sweaters (still no winter coat yet), and took her outside on our deck to “play” in her first snow.

It was a little, quick thing. Just a few minutes outside in the cold darkness, watching her explore something new and exciting. One of the many “firsts” we are making a big deal about these days.

First Halloween

On Wednesday as I sat in traffic on my way home from work, I passed a small accident on the eastbound side of the Pike. Two cars had been in a fender bender and standing against the guard rail stood a state trooper, a man in a suit, and a slutty bumblebee. Just one of the reasons why I love Halloween.

This year, we celebrated Reese’s first Halloween by sitting on our couch eating a shit ton of candy. The number of trick-or-treaters knocking on our door seems to decrease by half each year, yet the amount of candy I buy multiplies threefold, and we just can’t see it go to waste.

Reese spent the evening on the living room floor, playing with the candy bowl (best toy ever) and living it up in her one-size-too-small tiger costume. My dreams of making her first Halloween costume were crushed in mid October when the reality that I do not know how to sew, and that I am much too lazy to learn, finally sunk in. Thus, Reese rocked a $6 boys costume from Old Navy with a hood that almost covered her “off the charts” sized head.

I must say, she wore it well.